
Sunday, 18 January 2015

Scrambled Egg, Tofu and Veggies

I meant to make a vegetarian recipe, but since I had a slice of bacon in the fridge I decided to use it. Exams are coming up, and I'm injured. Since I can't really do workouts or yoga( with some exceptions), I have to rely on Marvel gag reels, cooking and meditation to stay sane.
    I like to eat vegan/vegetarian some days, and meat other days. I used to eat lots of meat, but then I started eating more veggies and less meat. I was trying to have a healthy lifestyle after starting to run. Running makes me happy and ambitious. 
       I found out about factory farming after reading Righteous Porkchop by Nicolette Hahn Niman.
Then I read The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan, and watched Food Inc( and read more food books and watched more documentaries).  Because of all this education, I want to be a farmer when I grow up. I could also open a restaurant or become a nutritionist( all interesting to me). I went vegan for about 2 months until I could find a place to buy meat that treats their food with respect. This piece of bacon comes from a farm that my family drives to. Their animals get to go outside, and I love watching their chickens and ducks run around their property. They have grass fed cows, and pasture raised pork. Also, because good meat costs more my family eats less of it. In the warmer months I also grow food in my backyard to save money( also good practice and education for if/when I become a farmer). The only reason we have fewer tomatoes, still a lot, is because my dog likes to pick them off the plants and eat them. Of course we only let her eat ripe ones. 

1/2 cup Firm Tofu
1 Egg

1 cup chopped Leafy Greens( I used Arugula and Baby Kale) <---- You don't have to chop too finely.
A Handful of Cherry Tomatoes
1 Shallot
Olive Oil
Salt and Black Pepper( to taste)

-Slice the cherry tomatoes in half
-Crumble the tofu with your hands until they become smaller than about 1 inch cubes in sise
-Cook the greens, tomatoes and shallot in some olive oil over medium to high heat. Stir to prevent the food from sticking to the bottom of the pan
-When the veggies have softened and shrunk: add in the tofu,black pepper and salt and mix. Cook for about 1 minute
-Crack in the egg and stir some more so the egg sticks to the other ingredients
-Serve when the egg is fully cooked

*I topped this dish with bacon

1 comment:

  1. hi connie! just dropping by to let you know that i've nominated you for the liebster award. check out my post here: (:
