
Thursday, 1 January 2015

Creamy Coffee Cashew Mylk

Happy New Years!

My blender broke while it was blending dates and almonds so I couldn't make raw vegan coffee cheesecake. I was stuck with my old food processor that my mom used to make baby food with( for me) so i couldn't blend the cashews into a creamy cheesecake layer. This means that I definitely could not make the crust as well. 
As a last minute decision since I already bought the ingredients, and the cheesecake mix was semi blended, I made Mylk. It tastes amazing, and I love how I made a bad situation more positive by finding an alternative to the cheesecake.

2 cups Cashews( soaked in coffee or water for about 3 hours)
1/2 cup Coffee + more if soaking cashews in coffee
1 tbsp Melted Coconut Oil( optional)
1tsp to 1 tbsp Honey or other sweetener ( optional)

-Blend all ingredients together
-Put nut mixture in nut Mylk bag or use cheesecloth
-Squeeze the liquid into a glass or cup ( whatever you plan on drinking it out of)

-If you don't want such a strong coffee flavour, reduce the amount of coffee and put in water
-To change thickness of the drink add or reduce liquid to taste

PS: Once I broke the microwave, and our old blender.
The old blender broke because I forgot I had a metal spoon in it, and I blended it.
This blender breaking down was not my fault! :p

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