
Sunday, 15 February 2015

Liebster Award

Thanks Rachel Ma for nominating me for the Liebster Award! This post is long overdue, but I didn't know who to nominate. I decided to nominate whoever wants to answer my questions.

1) When and why did you start your blog?
I started my blog in 2013. I really like exploring new things, and blogging seemed interesting. I follow many blogs, mainly food, and sometimes I forget their existence too( they are saved in my bookmarks so I can rediscover them). I
This blog was created so that I can improve my writing and photography skills, and document my adventures in food( I used to write everything on scrap paper and then lose them). This blog also helps me relax when I am really stressed out because writing and typing is calming.

2) If you are granted one wish (you can't wish for more wishes :P), what would you wish for? 
    If I was granted one wish, I would wish for everyone to have food security. Many people, not just developing countries, cannot access/afford healthy food. Everyone food security includes animals that aren't human. I adopted my dog, and when the shelter got her she was emaciated. Even when I adopted her she was underweight, and you could see her spine. People that are malnourished or hungry cannot concentrate well or do well. This means they get ill more often, and do poorly in school. If everyone has food security, then more people will be able to contribute to the economy or do well in school.

3) If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
      If I could travel anywhere in the world, I would go to British Columbia. I am actually considering moving there when I grow up because I love the wilderness. British Columbia has The Great Bear Rainforest, mountains, ocean, and more. 

4) Who are your favourite bloggers? 
     My favourite bloggers/blogs:
Food:   Emily von Euw from This Rawsome Vegan Life

Gardening:  Linda Ly from Garden Betty
Pets:  Pretty Fluffy

        Olimpia M. Martinotti from Much Ado About Chameleons

5) What is one of the most vivid memories from your childhood? 
     One of the most vivid memories from my childhood would be petting my cat. My parents had him before they had me. I grew up with him, and he passed away about 2 years ago. Since I'm an only child I get lonely sometimes so he used to be my companion. We adopted Keesha after he passed away.

6) What makes you happy?
    There are many things that make me happy. Listing them all would be impossible. Cooking, gardening, yoga, intense workouts, running, goimg outside, and of course eating makes me happy. Also, hanging out with my friends, watching Marvel movies, learning, and being in the moment makes me happy too.

7) What are you grateful for today? 
   Today I am grateful for having great + healthy meals( refer to Question 2), more water than I need, my best friend by my side( she's on my lap), being able to listen to as much music as I want, and having shelter from the cold weather.

8) What career are your pursuing?
     I am pursuing a career in Agriculture. I would like to start a sustainable farm that uses Permaculture principals. I want to grow mostly plants( fruits and veggies), some eggs and some meat. I might even have my own dairy cow! Of course I won't take all the milk because the calf needs it more than I do.

9) What is your favourite quote?
   This is a very difficult question because I love quotes, and I save them on my computer when I find new ones.
Some of my favourite quotes( I cannot just settle on one):

“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”

-Abraham Lincoln

“Having a soft heart in a cruel world is courage, not weakness.”

-Katharine Henson

and of course I need a food quote to live by:
"Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants."
      -Michael Pollan

10) Who/ what inspires you?
 People who do good things and stand up for what they believe in inspires me.

11) What is a goal you have for 2015? 
     One of my goals for 2015 is to only purchase Fair Trade cocoa and chocolate( and also to eat less chocolate). I also found Fair Trade Organic quinoa so I can buy that instead of just Organic. =) Also I would like to post more on this blog. I have so many ideas.

My questions:
1. What do you see yourself doing in 5 years

2. What are your favourite and least favourite foods
3. What are you grateful for everyday
4. Do you tend to live in the present, past or future
5. What animal do you think represents you
6. What is your biggest fear
7. What was the last dish/recipe you cooked
8. What do you look forward to when you wake up each day
9. Are you a morning person or night person
10. If you could only eat one fruit for the rest of your life, what would it be
11. What is your favourite word

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