
Thursday, 15 May 2014

Fish Food

It's been a long time since I've posted!

Doesn't look very appetizing does it? It's for my fish, not me. =)


-whatever veggies you want to put in it( I used organic carrots, asparagus, garlic, and potatoes)
-basil( optional)
-live mussels
-agar agar( more than you think you need)
The amount of ingredients you use depends on the type of fish you are feeding and how much you plan to make.

-put all the veggies( and basil) in a pot and cover with water
-bring water to a boil
-add mussels in
-when the mussels are cooked( their shells open), scoop out all the veggies and mussels( remove the shell)
-place everything into a blender, and blend until smooth
-dissolve agar in the water( stop the boiling) and then boil the water for a few minutes
-add the blended ingredients into the agar and water
-pour mixture into a container( I used mussel shells)
-let cool and solidify
-serve when solidified and freeze the remaining
-thaw in fridge when planning to feed another time

*mussel shells may raise the Ph of water so do not use if your fish are sensitive to changes in water parameters